The Frog And The Dog

Posted on June 12, 2022
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There once was a dog whose best friend was a frog

A very unusual fraternity

A dog should try to always stay dry

But a frog…as wet as can be

The dog would bark as he ran ’round the park

And the frog would croak as he took stroke after stroke

They would smile as they watched each other

And often they’d sit quietly by to just gaze at the sky

The point being…that they were together

But it was a shame that neither one had a name

You see… they both were orphans

But when together… no matter the weather

Their brains pumped out endomorphins

Then one said to the other..”We’re unlikely brothers”

And the other quite quickly agreed

Then they both opted to pretend they’re adopted

A case they could easily plead

If brotherhood they would claim they needed a name

One that conveyed family strength

They thought hard and long

Dismissed ideas that were wrong

Then finally after great length…

They shook paw and claw

Barked… croaked.. and stood tall

Shouting their new names to the land


“Brotherhood…ahh ain’t it GRAND!!!”
