THE COW by russ mckay

Posted on March 21, 2018
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What if you were a cow

What would you be doing now?

For animals bovine

Grass is divine

And they eat more than a sow


A mouthfull of grass is a cud

It’s composed of both grass and mud

Cows think they are yummy

And with an extra tummy

The cud goes down with a thud


Cows never ever eat meat

Mostly stand around on their feet

They’ll squat down in the grass
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To let rain showers pass

Then stand on dry ground…that’s so neat


Cows weigh almost nine hundred pounds

They’re thankful that green fields abound

They must keep eating all day

To stay looking that way

Cow shapes are mostly round


Do you think that you’d like a cow’s life?

Would you like to be a bull’s wife?

Cows give milk every day

Without any pay

I feel certain cow boredom is rife
