The Barking Duck by russ mckay

Posted on April 16, 2021
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As I was walking in the park

I heard a loud distinctive bark

“That’s a big dog behind me I suppose”

But it was a DUCK without any clothes

He waddled and was brown with a big black beak

But I was amazed when I heard him speak

He got really close and said “Pardon me Sir…

But might you have a lozinger?”

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Then he “barked” again that bark of his

While I looked in my bag for some lozenges

Then there in the back I found a whole pack

And as he ate them he started to quack

“Oh thank you kind Sir” and he waddled away

He quacked at the kids as he passed their way

He was quacking happily as he plunged into the pond

And I yelled out to him “Now get some clothes on!”
