FRUITCAKE by russ mckay

Posted on November 24, 2017
Filed Under Grandpa, Holiday, Tweens | Leave a Comment

I ate my first bite of fruitcake today
And that first bite caused me to say…
“I like fruit and I like cake
But whoever named it
Made a big mistake!”

It was ugly brown and there was no doubt
The stuff inside it was tryin’ to get out
I don’t blame it I would too
Little red and green things covered with goo

Grandpa took a bite and broke a tooth
“That cake there’s, meant for the youth”
Grandma had baked it so he had tried
“It’s the last tooth I had!” and then he cried

Then Grandma offered me a piece
“Granny, why not share some with your niece?”
“Oh what a generous boy are you!”
“I wiped my brow and just said “Whew!”

But then, as I turned around
There was Grandma with about a pound
Of her fruitcake sliced onto a plate
“Oh thank you Granny, it sure is great!”
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My dog Sam just ran away
As I brought the cake plate his way
He saw the cake and he saw me
That dog has a real good memory
“Sam” was here last Christmas too
He’d tried to bury it, thought it was poo

Grandma watched me with her smile
And I stood there for the longest while
“Go ahead and eat your cake
It took me many hours to make”
I smiled back and looked around
But there was no one to be found

Then Dad’s head popped in the door
“I love that cake is there any more?”
“Oh Dad…there’s just this one last bit
If you want, I’ll gladly give you it!”

“Thank you son you are so kind”
“I hope Grandma doesn’t mind!”
“Oh no he’s such a generous lad…
It’s the best Christmas I’ve ever had!”
