The Lost Easter Egg by russ mckay
The day started out real niceI was happy fresh and newBrightly colored on my shellThat boiling thing was through I was resting in a basketWith other eggs so fancyWe were placed there very carefullyBy our 8 year old named Nancy We jiggled ’round as we took a rideTo the grassy park in townThen we each […]
The Littlest Christmas Tree by russ mckay
Smack dab in the middle of a great green forest Far beyond where anyone could see Grew the tiniest smallest but surely the prettiest Perfectly shaped evergreen tree The big trees around him just blocked out the sun And he could scarcely see stars when each day was done He wanted to grow big and […]
The Most Beautiful Doll
Every day without fail little Becky would walk home at the end of her day in first grade at Dillon Elementary School past Bateman’s Hardware Store on Main Street and stop and look into the front window.Oh there were drills, table saws, levels, and even red and green Christmas lights in the window, but there […]
Christmas Wishes
Happy presents under the tree Christmas gifts for good little me I’m leaving extra cookies and warm milk too ‘Cause Santa’s got lots of work to do He’s got to fill the room up and maybe the hall With tons of stuff that I saw at the mall I’ve done all I could to make […]
The McKay Elf
The McKay’s have an elf that sits on a shelfAnd sometimes he sits on a tableWhen each day is through he goes somewhere that’s newAnd reports to Santa by cable He’s there to see if the McKay kids are goodTo their parents their dog and each otherThe two boys have a sister and all three […]
This story’s about young Kris KringleBack in the days when he was singleIn fact when he was just a boyHe’d never received a Christmas toy He thought “What if one could give a toyTo each and every girl and boyA special way to celebrateThe birth of Christ born on this date” His Mom and Dad […]
The First Thanksgiving
It was the fourth Thursday in November 1621 (far as we can tell) and adults and young’ns and Indian guests assembled for a hearty harvest meal.“Aesop stop bangin’ on that thing and get in here to dinner!”“I want drumsticks!” the little guy demanded as he dragged himself away from his musical percussion toy.“There ain’t no […]
“The Lost Easter Egg” by
The day started out real niceI was happy fresh and newBrightly colored on my shellThat boiling thing was through I was resting in a basketWith other eggs so fancyWe were placed there very carefullyBy our 8 year old named Nancy We jiggled ’round as we took a rideTo the grassy park in townThen we each […]
The Magic Gift by
As Santa returned from his worldwide tour Mrs. Claus met him at the Polar front door “You look tired my Dear more than last year I hope all went well and I’m glad you are here!” “May I get you some tea or a sandwich to eat?” “No…I’m full of cookies and I’m dead on […]
Summer Santa by
I can finally tell you some Santa stuffI’m sure you didn’t knowLike what does Santa do all year?And where does Santa go? ‘Cause now that I’m a grown upMany things I have found outThat I didn’t know when I was smallAnd… I had some doubt You know there is a South PoleWell Santa knows it […]
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