BACKWARD OTTO by Russ McKay (aka

Posted on October 22, 2016
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Otto wanted to be in my poems

But he always talks in palindromes

Well I had a tough time

Most palindromes do not rhyme

He was basically told to go home

“Yo banana boy” Otto said

And I quickly turned ’round my head

Then he started yellin’

“No lemons no melon”

I told him to go home to bed

“Was it a car or cat I saw?”

Then he yelled “Race fast safe car”

I told Otto he made no sense

And his yellin’ made me tense

I started feeling way below par

“Slap a ham on omaha pals” he cried

As I managed to get him outside

His screaming was real

As he grabbed “Lee a eel”

But poor Otto I could not abide

He looked back at me in the fog

“Go hang a salami I’m a lasagna hog!”

And as he was leavin’

He called “Never odd or even”

Then he was chased by my neighbor’s dog

Talking with Otto’s as hard as it gets

At least he does not have Tourettes

Both backward and forward is he

I called and he looked back at me

“Just make sure you “Step on no pets!”
