FAME by Russ McKay aka sillygrandpa.com

I was admittedly proud when I heard the news I said “Well someone FINALLY agrees I have paid my dues!” They would feature my picture in a national ad So I sent them the best one that I had I waited with great anticipation The long two months until publication  Then the day finally came […]

My Shopping Trip by Russ McKay

After days and days of pleading Mommy took me out to shop For all kinds of pretty things And I could hardly stop She bought my frilly brand new dress With ruffles and blue bows She bought me a new necklace And my first pantyhose  You should see the shoes I got A patent leather […]

The Frog And The Dog by Russ McKay

There once was a dog whose best friend was a frog A very unusual fraternity A dog should try to always stay dry But a frog…as wet as can be The dog would bark as he ran ’round the park And the frog would croak as he took stroke after stroke They would smile as […]


Here’s a fact about felines that’s really neat Most breeds of cats land on their feet You can drop them…or they can fall from a tree Just watch and you’ll see them land on their feet There WAS one breed of cats that would land on their head They were very pretty cats but they […]

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