“Writing Poetry Is Easy” by russ mckay

Posted on March 27, 2025
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I decided I’d write poetry
It’s an easy thing to do
You just have to make sure that
The last words rhyme…ah…too!

Heck you could write of anything
As long as you remember
That the last word in each key line
Rhymes with the one…ah..befember

Poetry has a meter
Kind of like the beat of a song
A cadence, pace or natural flow or..ah..rhythmter

Anyway, poetry is a beautiful thing
It lifts our spirits high
Anyone can be a poet

All you need do is attempt it

“Twins” by russ mckay

Posted on March 23, 2025
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Twice upon a time there were born

Two identical babies named Bjorn

They had the same kinda nose

And identical toes

They were only apart night ’til morn

One had a little more hair

Though they both had skin very fair

When they ate one would slurp

And the other would burp

And together they went everywhere

 Well one day after they’d grown

One wanted to be left alone

But he soon grew lonely

For his brother only

So he called him on his cell phone

But the caller got into a snit

Bro’s busy phone gave him a fit

What neither twin knew

Is…they both tried to do

The same thing the same time

So both decided to quit

“Burp” the Swine. by russ mckay

Posted on March 15, 2025
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Hi! I’m Burp and yes I’m a swine
And the pleasure of meeting you is just divine
And just because I’m a swine and big
Doesn’t mean that you need to call me a “PIG”

I’ve heard people say “Those PIGS just stink”
But under all that mud we’re mostly pink
Our table manners are slight cause we don’t use a fork
And, around us, please never say the word “PORK”

We squeel and we grunt and we root around
And our farmer’s happy as we gain every pound
I agree that we’re overweight and possibly fat
It seems we’re always eating so I’ll admit that

I see you like snacking when you’re reading a rhyme
And I bet you do it nearly all of the time
But to think we’ll eat anything is a big mistake
By the way are you planning to eat all that cake?

“Sirens” by russ mckay

Posted on March 3, 2025
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Sirens fascinate me

When I hear them getting louder

If I could drive an ambulance

I could not be any prouder

“Woop, woop, woop”

And “Dee Daw, Dee Daw”

I would make the siren blast

I’d rush through downtown traffic

I’d drive carefully, but fast

Yes I would love to drive an ambulance

A job where time’s well spent

I’d like to be the driver

But not the occupant!

“The Little Cloud” by russ mckay

Posted on February 20, 2025
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Though I am just a little cloud

I’m fluffy and billowy and very proud

If I keep growing then I guess

I’ll become a big old cumulus

And float with my friends so you can peer us

And tell us apart from those wispy cirrus

We cumulus clouds have the most status

We’re not stringy and gray like those skimpy stratus

You can tell I like being what I am

And I like changing shapes which I can

Down on the ground as you gaze on high

You’ll be guessing what I look like as I fly by

But if I get noisy and turn grey/blue

I’ll be getting ready to rain on you

But don’t take shelter under a tree

‘Cause lightning bolts might come from me

I’d much rather float in the sun up high

Looking like cotton shapes in the sky

So when you see me wave and say Hey

And I’ll save my rain for another day

“The Cat Up A Tree” by silly grandpa

Posted on February 11, 2025
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I spied a cat up in a tree
It was looking down at me
But when I smiled it turned away
And I didn’t know quite what to say

How’d you get there? I wanted to ask
It must have been quite a task!
I stood looking up from the ground
Wondering how the cat would get down

I didn’t know then, but it wondered too
And also did not know what to do
After both of us stared for quite a while
The cat finally began to smile

“Are you the Cheshire cat?” Was my query
But the feline was becoming weary
“I’ll climb up and help you down!”
But then the cat began to frown.

I took no mind and started up
And just as I got to the top
The feline jumped upon my back
Then ran down to the ground
…and that’s a fact

I rested on the skinny top limb
By the way, the treed cat was a him
Now I was the one who began to frown
Because I had no way to get myself down

I was feeling really really dumb
When the local firemen had to come
And help me get down from that tree
Then the cat began to laugh at me

But that was not the story’s end
The once-treed cat became my friend
We joked about the tree and me
Stuck on the top of that tall tree

It’s a wonderful thing when a friend is found
But from now on we’ll stay on the ground

“The Silly Animal Zoo” by silly grandpa

Posted on February 10, 2025
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I promised not to say exactly where
But a Silly Zoo really is there
You couldn’t find it if you tried
But I’m happy to give you all a guide

Right at the door of that magical place
You’ll see a turtle with a monkey face
The next critter over is very small
A purple striped mouse whose name is Paul

You’ll hear it before you see it next
An elephant bird that’s very perplexed
Then there’s one fellow too big to hide
An anteater with a snout two miles wide

There are no lions or tigers at this zoo
‘Cause normal animals just won’t do
The closest thing to something you’ve seen
A huge rhinoceros that’s a very bright green

There is one way you might get in
A zookeeper by the name of Ken…
Is no longer there and his job is open
So if you apply you must excel at ropin’

Ken used to say that the animals hate him
And he was right because they ate him

“Stinky Feet” by sillygrandpa.com

Posted on January 30, 2025
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I know it’s not neat

To have stinky feet

But pretty often I do

Inside my sneakers

The airflow is weaker

And my socks start smelling like poo

Yes after each shower

I smell like a flower

I’m clean from head to toe

But it doesn’t take long

My aroma goes wrong

And that clean smell I had gets “so so”

The bad smell I get

Comes from the sweat

They say it’s a phase I’ll outgrow

I take my socks off each day

Even dogs run away

As fast as their four legs can go

I have learned a lot

From this problem I’ve got

It has something to do with where

And why your nose

Is so far from your toes

It’s so you can breathe in clean air

“Sheepish Love” by russ mckay

Posted on January 22, 2025
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The old Ram was eating his lunch
Munching grass blades by the bunch
But then his farmyard wife came by
The ram stopped eating to just say “Hi”

She had been shorn that morn of her wonderful wool
And she felt not as pretty and a bit of a fool
But the Ram hubby knew just what to do
And said  ” You look beautiful and I love EWE.”

“Different” by russ mckay

Posted on January 17, 2025
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I’m not like a dragon that has a fiery sneeze
And I’m not like a Pterodactyl floating on a breeze
I don’t have colorful scales like those upon a Koi
No I’m not like one of those…’cause I am just a boy

I like to play with Legos and have fun with Pokemon
And I like it when there are big rocks that I can climb upon
I guess I’m kinda like all boys at least that’s what I am told
I don’t know what I wanna be when I get to be so old

But I am sure of one thing that I’ll share with you
Just because I like the same things that most boys like to do
It doesn’t mean that I’m not special you could even say “Unique”
And that goes for all you guys whether sporty or a geek

Every one of us is the only one like us (unless you are a twin)
And there never was or will be a boy like us again
I’m very thankful that there’s no one like me in this whole wide world
But most of all I’m thankful that… I am not a GIRL!

keep looking »

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